

Looking to spice up your party life? Do you have a basic understanding of how the popular board game, Monopoly works? Do you have some cardboard? What about some markers and some random bottle caps lying around?

Have you even thought about playing Cardboard-opoly with your awesome drinking buddies?

Cardboard-opoly works much like The Cardboard Game Richie and I described in a previous post only this time, we are adding elements of Monopoly to it!

It is very simple!

First, you start with a large piece of cardboard and draw a large rectangle in the middle. Next, you create a bunch of squares along the perimeter of the rectangle. At each corner, please add “Go” for one, “Jail” for another, “Free Parking”, and then “Go to Jail” as is shown here.


In true Cardboard Game fashion, the empty spaces are filled in with rules thought up by the players. When they roll the dice and land on a space, they may create their own rule for that space. In my opinion, it becomes more fun once the spaces are filled with rules.

Much like Monopoly, this game does not end immediately. Rather, it has the luxury of ending whenever the players agree upon doing something else. But once the spaces are filled, the game can still be brought out for other parties on other days.

If you happen to have a deck of cards on hand, do you also recall that Monopoly has four railroad stations available for players to possess?

This is totally optional (though I like it has an idea anyways), but have a game of “Kings” play in the middle of the board. You do so by drawing (or writing) a symbol representing the game, “Kings”. On here, I drew four crowns.


Whenever a player lands on a crown, that player must flip over a card from a deck in the middle of the board. Whatever card gets flipped, that card’s rule in kings applies to the present game.

The deck of cards can also be used for additional rules such as “Flip a card and drink for however many seconds it equals” or possibly a quick round of “Up-And-Down the River”.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating your own set of rules!

But as always, please drink responsibly and always respect someone’s wishes if they do not want to participate in the game or do a rule. You should always be drinking with your friends and friends are respectful of one another.

TV Party: “Binge-Watching”

TV Party: “Binge-Watching”

So, you’re sitting down with some friends having a TV Party with your friends and you want to pound some brews, right?

Now, if you’re like me, you don’t just want to drink indiscriminately, you want some rules. I’m all about that, and if you are too, I got some good ideas here.

When I turn to the Google machine and slap in “show/movie” and “drinking game”, I get results from sites like DrinkWiki and MovieBoozer. Oftentimes I find these sites give too many dang rules.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m trying to play these games, I can’t keep checking a list of twenty to thirty items. As Thoreau said, “Simplify, Simplify”.

In that spirit, I’ve been taking some shows I’ve been binge watching and trying to condense the existing drinking games I’ve seen. I’ve got to justify that NetFlix subscription somehow. So here are my favorite “TV Party” drinking games.

Mad Men- I’ve been trying to get into Mad Men as its finale approaches.

1.Drink anytime someone smokes a cigarette

2. Drink anytime misogyny occurs.

Breaking Bad- If you haven’t seen this masterpiece already, or are re-watching in a post-Better Call Saul world, here’s an easy set of rules to remember.

1.Anytime Jesse says “bitch”

2. Anytime Walt lies.

3. Anytime someone commits a crime.

Game of Thrones– One time I got drunk reading Storm of Swords, it was surreal. I kept this one even simpler, due to the dense nature of the show.

1. Anytime someone dies

2. Anytime someone is naked on screen.

3. Anytime Peter Dinklage says something witty

Pokemon- This one came straight from DrinkWiki, I just think it’s perfect. I’ve been re-watching the show for nostalgic purposes, don’t judge me.

1.Anytime the word “Pokemon” is said

2. Anytime the name of a Pokemon is said.

WARNING: This one is “heavy”.

Bojack Horseman– While the show is hit-or-miss with many, I personally love it.

1.Anytime Bojack drinks, or does drugs.

2. Anytime a celebrity is referenced, drink twice if they are an animal in the show.

Arrow- While exciting, there are moments when the “CW”-ness comes out

1.Anytime someone says “this city” or “my city”

2. Anytime Green Arrow is called anything other than Green Arrow (ex. The Hood, the Vigilante, the Arrow)

Bonus: Anytime someone is shot with an arrow

Ultimate Spider-Man– This one is easy to keep track of, just remember to keep it safe

1.Anytime Spider-Man talks to the viewer.

Dr. Who (any season)- It was rough to think of a set of rules that could apply to any episode of this long-running series.

1. Any time “techno-babble” occurs (if you don’t know what techno-babble is, avoid this series.)

2. Anytime you see the TARDIS.

BONUS!: This blog’s Sports Consultant offered a set of sports-drinking games.

Soccer: Drink at the end of every minute unless there’s a foul or a goal. If there’s a goal, finish your drink.

Baseball: Anytime a player on your team gets out or hits a foul ball.

Anytime the opposing team gets a hit.

Drink at the end of every inning.

Grand Slam? Finish your drink

Football: Drink constantly, it’s the American way!

MOVIES: Rapid fire single-rule games

Groundhog Day- Anytime a new day starts

Wolf of Wall Street- Anytime someone drinks or does drugs

Nightmare Before Christmas– Anytime they say “Christmas” or “Halloween”

Airplane!- Every exterior shot of an airplane

Team America: World Police– Anytime “America” or “Terrorist” is said

Every Disney Musical- Anytime a character begins singing for the first time in a song

Frozen– Every time the word “Frozen” is said

Super Troopers- Drink with them as they chug maple syrup. Drink every time the Monkey sticker is seen.

Shrek- Drink every time someone says “Ogre” or the word Ogre is seen.

Human Centipede– Well, you know what, last time I saw this, I drank every time I wanted the movie to stop. This ended with me in a swimming pool surrounded by barking dogs. It’s best to avoid this unless you really hate your liver.

Horror Movies, in general– Drink for every jump-scare and every death

These are just some of the fun rules you can bring to your TV party. Remember, drink responsibly. And don’t watch Human Centipede unless you really want to. I can’t judge.

Oddka: A Strange Time

Oddka: A Strange Time

I was playing the Cardboard Game the other night, and we found a new rule emerging from the pack.

In a moment of frugality, a friend had purchased a 750ml bottle of Oddka for $5. The flavor? Freshly Cut Grass.

I was curious. Not enthused but curious. So I took a shot; It tasted like grass alright, but it also had a bit of dirt in it (flavor-wise, there wasn’t actually dirt in it. I hope). Not awful, but it was unusual.

There’s a lot of “standard” rules in most drinking games where the challenge is to drink something absolutely unappetizing. The “death cup”; players pour a bit of each of their drink into one cup, the “victim” drinks it all at once. The occasional “drink this condiment”, or the insane (and slightly dangerous) “drink this Everclear”. Oh my, that’s a sure way to trigger some nausea. And nausea is a sure-fire way to kill the vibe.

But Oddka, despite my initial bafflement, proved to be a palatable spirit. There’s a lot of fun in seeing someone try a shot, cringe a bit, but have no ill-effects. I’m hoping I can track down some of their more approachable flavors. They’ve got Apple Pie, Original, Wasabi, Popcorn, and Electricity. Wasabi in particular interests me, and Electricity might be a strange time.

Oddka allows for a fun “novelty” beverage that adds a dash of fun to many a gathering.

SBISD will likely chime in the other Oddka flavors as we encounter them.

As always, have fun, stay safe and drink responsibly.

Waterfalls: Some Thoughts

Waterfalls: Some Thoughts

A classic staple in game such as Kings and the Cardboard Game, the Waterfall is a mini-competiton of who can drink the longest. Everyone must keep drinking continuously until the player before them in the circle stops.

One player starts it, the next player continues it, and so on until everyone’s a part of it. And therein lies the appeal. Everybody is drinking together, maximum unity.

Now in a college setting (where I’d assume the Waterfall is most prosperous) not everyone’s going to drinking brews of the same class. One time I had to do a Waterfall with a glass of Oskar Blues G’Knight; step one was I didn’t want to waste really good beer, step two was that it was heavy.

I once saw a game play Kings, get a Waterfall, and do it up with Straight Captain Morgan. He drank it for a minute straight. I wasn’t even impressed, that was just insane.

The classic method of survival I usually see is to just hold the bottle to your lips, and make swallowing motions. But then again, why not just put the the bottle down? It’s only a game, why lie? This isn’t Beerfest.

So there’s a question to ask here. What’s the point of the Waterfall? It can’t be to just force everyone to drink as much as possible, because you can stop anytime. It should be to unite everyone in a prolonged toast, a celebration of friendship and good times.. For a moment, we drink together, and nobody can stop until the man who started stops.

The Waterfall stands as something different than a straight chugging contest. It still presents a chance to show off (like that Drunken Sailor I mentioned), but it really should be FUN. If you’re not having FUN, then you’re doing it wrong.

Drink and enjoy yourself responsibly.


Untapped – Drink Socially

Untapped – Drink Socially

untappdKate here! All you beer lovers out there, have you downloaded the app, Untapped? No? Yeah? Maybe…?

Well for those of you who don’t know, Untapped is a social media app is that allows for users to rate and post reviews of the beer they are drinking while out with their friends. Like most social media sites, you are able to connect with your friends and view what they are doing via newsfeed. It uses Foursquare to allow users to check in to places while they are drinking. Untapped even offers users recommendations based on what you and your circle of friends rate and review.

What is cool about this app is that it encourages users to explore different types of beer and places by offering badges. Such badges include “Land of the Free”, “Weekday Warrior”, “Happy Hour Hound”, and many more. Some badges even have different levels the more you use it.


I have had Untapped for a few weeks now and I’ve enjoyed it. I usually order a different beer now each time I’m out at a restaurant. So far I have earned “Newbie” (which means I drank my first beer, hehe), “Photogenic Brew (Level 4)”, “St. Patrick’s Day”, “Playing the Field”, “Night Out”, “Drinking Your Paycheck” (oh my!), and “Weekday Warrior”. Richie has had the app for a couple month more than me. He has a lot more badges than I do — too many to list.

Now some people have argued that it encourages people to drink irresponsibly. Most of the badges do require drinking five or more beer in order to earn it. Know your limits! It is important to remember to take everything in moderation and to always drink responsibly. Enjoy!

9 Dorky Drinking Games to Get You DRUNK

9 Dorky Drinking Games to Get You DRUNK


A night in with some friends and some booze can make for some great hazy memories. If the Dungeons and Dragons shenanigans come to a halt with the Choatic Evil folks just killing literally everyone, I suggest tuning into Netflix (or otherwise Pirate Bay of choice) to try out these outrageously nerdy and super fun drinking bonanzas.

9: The Supernatural Liver Disaster

Recommended for Season 3 and onwards, this game might actually cause liver failure from the “rock music plays” part alone. The Tommy heavy episodes will put you in a coma, guaranteed in fifteen minutes or less. For best results, shotgun a beer when Castiel doesn’t get a reference (because I’m highly disappointed shotguns weren’t mentioned for the game).

8: The Doctor Who Drunkard


I recommend watching the David Tennant episodes for best results and viewing pleasure. Bonus shot for anytime a companion gives the Doctor an exasperated stare…

View original post 271 more words

“The Cardboard Game”

“The Cardboard Game”


There’s a great game for the college crowd looking to have fun. Some call it the Cardboard Game, some the Pizza Box game, some the Circle Game. Regardless what you call it, there’s one set of rules. You make the rules!

The set-up is simple. You get a big surface to write on (a pizza box, an unfolded cardboard box, posterboard, etc.) and everyone draws a circle and writes their name in that circle. The size of each person’s circle is up to them.

That’s set up, so here’s the game! Each turn, a player throws a bottlecap onto the game board. If it lands on a circle with somebody’s  name in it, that player drinks. If it lands in blank space, the player draws a circle around the cap and writes a rule in the circle. When the cap lands in that circle, that rule happens. \

So the main bulk of the game is to make entertaining rules. So us here at SBISD decided to list our respective top ten rules for The Cardboard Game.

Rich’s Top Ten Rules

10. “Everyone drinks”- every good drinking game has to make this happen at some point.

9. “Forcibly perform Yoga on a player”- This rule is fun because it leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Sometimes people just pose at each other. Sometimes it turns into trying to get someone’s foot behind their head

8. “Go to the Thunderdome”- This rule is also up to whatever you want to do with it, but it’s a one-on-one competition of your design

7. “Everyone Gets New Names”- if you get the new names wrong, you drink

6. “Scream Kanye West Lyrics”- this works if you like or hate Kanye West

5. “Start a chant”- Chants are fun for the whole family

4. “Enhance a rule”- This keeps the game fresh

3. “Cry”- you’d be surprised

2. “Why?”- I always ending up pounding on the table, and shouting Why?

1. “Become the Danger” – someone tried pickpocketing me after they got this one

Katie’s Top 10 Rules

10. “[Insert a name here] and [insert another name here]” – If two names are close enough together, connect them with a bridge so both people have to drink if someone lands on the bridge

9. “Switch seats” – Everybody playing switches seats

8. “Rock, paper, scissors” – Person to your left (or right) plays you in Rock, Paper, Scissors. Whoever loses after x amount of rounds drinks

7. “No phones” – First person who looks at their phone has to drink (or something else more creative if the rule-maker chooses).

6. “Not Jackie Chan” – First person to mention Jackie Chan drinks

5. “Yell [Insert person who is not playing’s name here]” – If someone isn’t playing, yet in the room, yell their name whenever the cap lands on their name. If you pick the right person, they’ll answer and you can go back to whatever you’re doing.

4. “Remove an article of clothing” – Everyone will get to know each other a little better, but only down to their underwear!

3. “Put on an article of clothing” – One time, someone kept landing on the previous rule and got uncomfortable, so I like to add this rule as a backup.

2. “Hot Seat” – Everyone gets to ask the person who landed on this circle a question. They must answer truthfully or drink

1. “Tallies” – This involves making a large circle in the middle. You drink for however many tally marks are in the circle (tallies = seconds) and each player adds more tallies after the drink.

52 Drink-Up

52 Drink-Up

Rich: So, I’ve got a deck of cards, and a handful of beers. Okay, not beers. High Life isn’t really a beer.

Katie: Ahh, I see! What do you suppose we do with the cards and all that beer, Rich?

Rich: I was thinking I’d get drunk in my room and play Solitaire. I think that’s a great use of my time. What else could I do with a deck of cards and booze?

Katie: I wholeheartedly disagree, Rich! There’s a lot you can do with a deck of cards and some booze especially when you’re around friends!

Rich: Well then, what would you suggest?

Katie: Well for one, there’s “Up and Down the River”.

Rich: I don’t like boats. Why’s it always got to be boats?

Katie: It’s got nothing to do with boats and everything to do with drinking.

Rich: Everything, you say? How does it go?

Katie: It’s a guessing game. First, I’ll start passing out everyone out a card and ask everyone if theirs be red or black. Then I’ll pass out cards again, asking everyone if they think their next card will be higher or lower. The next round is whether or not the next card’s number/face will be in-between or outside the two you already have. After that, I’ll ask you to guess the suit. If you guess any of these wrong, you take a sip but if you guess right, you choose another player to drink instead.

Rich: So, probability forces me and others to drink? Does this go on until we run out of cards or something? Cause I don’t want to be guessing cards until I get sick of it.

Katie: No it ends pretty quickly. After you get your four cards, I’ll put eight cards facedown into two rows with four in each column. One row will be give a drink and the other will be take a drink. This part is known as “The River”. When I flip a card over that you have, you do whatever the row it is in. And it goes up by two seconds each time. Let’s play! You’ll get it as we go!

Rich: Alright, I’ll take a crack at it. Red!

Katie: You got it wrong so drink!

Rich: Alright, so next one,…. higher!

Katie: Wrong. It’s a five so it’s lower. In-between or outside?

Rich: Hmmmmm, in-between five and eight seems unlikely. Outside!

Katie: Hahahaha! It’s a five again so you have to drink! Now which suit do think is next?

Rich: I don’t know, anything is possible! Clubs!

Katie: Nope! Queen of Diamonds. Drink! Ok, now let me set up the River… All set! This row you take and that row you gift. Oh dear! It’s a five! You’ve got to drink for two seconds now.

Rich: *glug*

Katie: Ok the next row is gift, and there’s a nine. Do you have a nine? No? Well nothing happens then since neither of us do. Ok next card is a 10. You can gift that and since it’s in the next column, any gift or take will be for fours seconds. You don’t have a 10, but I do! Drink for four seconds, Rich.


Rich: This game seems to be purely designed to make me chug beer quickly. This is getting kinda groady.

Katie: Hahaha, exactly! Do you want to keep playing or do you want to do something else?

Rich: I’ll finish this game. With enough people it could prove to be a fun time. It’s a good game to start an evening with, but I wouldn’t want to play back to back rounds. There’s no real gameplay other than guessing. One round is pretty fun. It’s a good game if you want an excuse to drink quickly. I vote we try a board-game next.

Katie: Now that’s a great idea! We can pick board games and add drinking rules to them. Maybe other types of games too?

Rich: Or even invent new games out of the aether!